I've noticed that I don't really post a lot of personal stuff here on my blog, but figured that this would be appropriate considering that Mother's Day is right around the corner.
I got an e-mail from my mom today that stopped me in my tracks. I was amazed at what was written about her, and I want to shout from the moutain tops how amazing my mother is. I count my blessings every day that she is the person who raised me, and who continues to inspire me on a daily basis.
Her e-mail today included this image... taken from the front page of her town's newspaper. Yep, you heard that right. My mother, on the front page of the newspaper! Please click the image below to see a larger version and to read the article if you'd like.
In the spirit of Mother's Day, and the fact that Mom is the one that got me interested in photography to begin with, I've decided to offer a Mother's Day Special! Here's what you'll get:
- 1 hour session with me
- Images presented online for proofing and ordering
- 4x6 leather album featuring 20 images (like the one you see HERE)
- A $200 value... for $125
E-mail me at: thebondbetweenus@gmail.com for more information or to sign up for this session. This special would be great for moms, grandmas, aunts, or any other special woman in your life! Heck moms, you can even buy one for yourself!
Deadline to sign up for the special will be Friday, May 9. Make sure to make reference in your e-mail that you'd like to take advantage of this offer!
Monday, April 28, 2008
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How awesome! And what a fabulous special that you are offering!
What a cool mama! I know you are proud to have her and she is proud to have you as well!
Great article, thanks for sharing! Your mom is a inspiration!
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