Saturday, April 25, 2009

Giving is Awesome... yes it is!

Back in December, you probably remember me asking for nominations of families who you thought were deserving of a free custom portrait session. Your nominees were families who have faced hardships and for whatever reason, would not otherwise be able to afford a custom photographer.

The Roberts Family was chosen, and our session was completed this afternoon. Words cannot describe how much fun I had with Anthony, Mandy, and their son Landon. We walked all around the main campus area at Valdosta State University and had a wonderful time exploring.

I must warn you that this post has picture overload. There was no way that I could keep it down to my usual 5-6 images. In fact, I'm already finished editing the session and it wasn't even 5 hours ago. Let's face it, when a kid is as adorable as Landon, I couldn't help editing his adorable face. You'll see quite a few expressions in the pictures below!

My favorite image from the session... and possibly of all time.

Thank you SO much, Roberts Family, for allowing me to capture your family. And special thanks to Anthony's sister for nominating them!

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