Friday, November 26, 2010

Coming soon to a blog near you...

I've been excitedly busy with holiday photo sessions lately, and I can't wait to share them all with you. I've got three that I just finished up last weekend, and another three to do this weekend. Since I'm under a time crunch, I'll share one from each session... with a full share soon. :) Here's what's coming soon to the blog!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Today, I'm thankful.

... for the almost 30 families I have the opportunity to work with this year (and another handful in the next few weeks).
... for Canon for providing amazing customer service and fixing my camera free of charge.
... for my husband for being supportive on weekends when I'm gone early in the morning, and late in the afternoon for photo shoots.
... for Photoshop, for providing amazing editing software that has the capability to taking my images to the next level.
... for my mother and grandfather who gave me the photography bug.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I {heart} the B Family!

I love having families who trust me. Whether it involves location choices, clothing options, re-scheduling because of weather, or anything else that could come up. Trust is such an important quality to have in a relationship, and knowing that people trust me (especially with family memories) is humbling. The B family certainly falls under the category of families who trust me. Every option I gave Leslie during our consultation e-mails were replied with "Whatever you think is best... we trust you." Last weekend, we met up at the north campus of VSU for their holiday session. Here are some of my favorites!

The P Family

Renee and Dalton have been clients before, but this time Matt joined us! Renee and Matt were married a few months ago, but are having a wedding next spring and wanted to get some engagement type pictures along with some family shots for holiday cards.
Here are some of my favorites from our session together!