Friday, September 18, 2009

One spot open... to a lucky family!

As it turns out, there's ONE day in October that just recently came available for a session. Normally, I would keep that day a secret in order to unwind with friends and family... especially with how busy things are going to be getting in the next few weeks. So I figure that if I'm going to spill the secret, I can be picky about who gets to fill it.
I'm looking for a special family. A family who oozes love... a family with a story... a family with spunk. And, one more requirement. A family with a dog.
I've been dying to do a family session with a pooch. And I figure that there's no better time than the present, right? This special family will not only get a fantastic session, they'll get it with the one member of the family who is all to often left behind in family pictures.

So. If you're that family, let me know that you're interested. With a paid session, you'll get a 11x14 print (a $20 value) included with your order. E-mail me ( and we'll work out the details. I'm willing to open up two time slots, so act fast before they're taken!

Small print: The families selected must be available on Saturday, October 10th for the photo sessions. Families chosen must be lived in the Valdosta area, or must be willing to travel to Valdosta for the session.

1 comment:

  1. How far can you travel? :bats eyelashes: -Marcia


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