Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cute as a Button

Madeline was all smiles Sunday morning during our session together. She's playful, loves to eat her clothing, and is totally in love with her daddy. He was a great sport and stood behind me during most of our session... I'm sure making faces at me. :) Whatever he did, he can keep doing it every time we have a session because it worked.

Isn't it amazing the way that people act when there is a baby around? Everyone is so lovely dovey around them, hugging them, cooing at them. I actually felt like I had an out-of-body experience because I could have sworn that I followed suite... which is something that I told myself I'd never do. I guess when you're around an adorable baby, you can't help yourself.

Sunday's session was Madeline's second installment of her Bloomin' Baby package, which follows babies every four months through their first year. Here are some of my favorites from her session.


  1. Great job again!! I love them all!

  2. So how about I can't believe the fact that it's already been four months since I was looking at her first pictures! Time sure does fly...great job kelly she's an adorable baby girl and you took some great pictures of her!


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