Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gentry, Part One

I don't ever break portrait sessions up into two posts, but this one certainly deserves it. Number one, because I am overwhelmed with her cuteness... and number two, because I have had two other rockin' portrait sessions this weekend that need to be showcased!
Genry is an absolute doll, and I've been lucky enough to have had two sessions with her before. But since she's growing (and her curly-q hair is getting even more curly-q), I haven't had a chance to capture her!

Here are some of my favorites from our session together.

Remember to come back later this week for more of Gentry... pictures might even include a hot pink tutu! :)


  1. Lovin it, of course I am the mom, these are so great, your artistical style is great =)R

  2. cant wait for the tutu pics


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