In my personal life, I have several friends who serve in the Air Force, a family member who is in the Army, and a slew of acquaintances that share ties with people involved in different military branches.
With cooler months ahead (hopefully!) and a need to begin thinking about this year's christmas cards, I wanted to extend a photography special to active duty military families. Mention this blog post and receive a **free** family session, as well as 15% off ordered prints.
This offer is valid through October 31st (booking and session completed by then). If interested, e-mail me at:
P.S. Friends/clients/random people of mine... if you know a military family that might be interested in this offer, please send them this blog address. You might just get a little something special yourself!
How might someone find out about getting you to do some pictures of my daughter & her fiance (he ias United States Marine) They just had a little baby girl. I would be interested in a family session of them. please contact me!
These pictures are gorgeous shots, my daughter is in some of them, that is how I gotthe site thanks! Carey